Turn Your LinkedIn into
the ultimate Sales Engine

Transform Your LinkedIn Strategy, Amplify Your Outreach, and Convert Strangers into Leads in 12 Weeks

The LinkedIn Sales Engine cohort empowers busy founders and salespeople to become trusted resources and generate revenue without hours of content creation. Our systems simplify the process and amplify your impact.

Get access to the strategy, systems, and support you need to turn your LinkedIn into a sales engine. 

The next cohort goes on sale August 22nd, and starts September 3rd 2024. 

Building and Monetizing An Audience can Feel Impossible

Getting the right attention on social media feels next to impossible. Maybe you’ve spent time trying to make posts or do outreach, but nothing seems to get the ROI you want. 

The Content Catastrophe

Ever made a post you thought would be a hit only to see it flop? Unsure how to make content that isn't so sales-y?

Only seeing a few likes (from people who would never buy from you) is soul crushing. It makes it difficult to rationalize spending time posting.

Bad Outreach Feels Gross

We all get horrible sales DMs on LinkedIn. The ones you immediately ignore, don’t even open, or block all together.

They turn us away from doing any direct outreach of our own. Even with the perfect opportunity, we add them as a connection and just hope they reach out to us.
Dan Kline of Key Performance Integrators gives a testimonial about his experience with the cohort.
Rachel Graham of Cherrywood Treehouse art studios gives a testimonial for the LinkedIn sales cohort.

an Advanced Class to Turn Strangers Into Leads

This isn’t a “guru” course that promises 100,000 followers in 60-days. 

It’s a deep dive of the strategy and systems that will book you 5-15 meetings per week routinely, while lowering your time investment as you go.
The course is designed to stack concepts and wins, completely transforming the way you think about LinkedIn. To get the most ROI, there is a process to get the most impact for your energy spent. 

You’ll unlock the strategy and tools that take people from wallflowers to revenue generators on LinkedIn.

what you get in 12-weeks:
strategy, systems, & support

Access proven frameworks and strategies to turn LinkedIn into your top sales channel
Learn the art of pre-suasion and writing posts that drive engagement
Join a community of like-minded go-getters for shared learnings and support
Maintain accountability and stay motivated with our structured program
Learn the why -> how -> what of selling on LinkedIn
12+ vetted softwares to scale your efforts and ROI
A client of mine wanted to expand their leads through LinkedIn, so we joined the beta-LinkedIn cohort. I'm thrilled with the results!

In just a month, my client's daily impressions have surpassed what used to take a week, jumping from about 35 impressions a week to nearly 1800. We're consistently adding connections, and we can see how this will continue to grow his network and business.

Excited to see what's next for the cohort! -- Mike B.

Course Breakdown

phase 1:
Create Great Content Consistently
  • Master the art of storytelling, writing styles, hooks, and more to stand out on LinkedIn
  • Use our Content Creation System to quickly turn inspiration into posts that drive engagement
  • Get past blank-page paralysis with our custom ChatGPT writing sidekick
  • Optimize your profile to attract your ideal clients and connections
phase 2:
Master Direct Outreach
  • Warm up and engage with a targeted list of ideal clients and referral partners.
  • Leverage connection batching in your outreach to master/game the LinkedIn algorithm 
  • Automate outreach processes to efficiently book high-quality meetings
  • Build a network of valuable connections that drive your business forward
Phase 3: Unlock by Buying VIP or Being in The top 10%
Create an Irresistible Offer
  • Transform outreach conversations into hot leads and loyal referral partners
  • Develop irresistible offers that convert prospects into clients
  • Leverage collaborative engagement to close deals and expand your network

why should you join?

expert insights:
Learn from industry leaders who have successfully transformed LinkedIn into a sales powerhouse
Proven Frameworks:
Access step-by-step frameworks for creating engaging content, optimizing your profile, and conducting effective outreach
Advanced Strategies:
Learn cutting-edge strategies for automating outreach, nurturing leads, and closing deals
Collaborative Learning:
Participate in a cohort that fosters shared knowledge and collective growth
Structured Accountability:
Stay on track with regular check-ins and a supportive community.

Ready to transform your LinkedIn
presence and Generate real results?

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your LinkedIn strategy and grow your business!
core plan


  • Entire course: 70+ lessons, exercises, and actions
  • Resource library for making better content and connecting with your ideal audience
  • Custom ChatGPT bot for ideating content
  • Content Creation System
  • Much more!
VIP plan


  • Everything in Core Plan
  • Two 45-minute 1-1 calls with Trent that you can schedule anytime in the process
  • Bi-weekly small group masterminds with others in the VIP
  • Additional 30-minute outreach sequence reviews


I don’t really have a following, Is this for me?


It can feel like a tall task to get started, but this course will help you start off on the right foot.
You’re not just learning how to post great content, or how to reach out to the right people, you’re getting a support system through the cohort. Your peers will become your followers. You’ll all engage and share each other’s content.

We’ll also help you identify your audience and topics along the way, making it easier than ever to get past the dreaded blank page.

Am I a fit for the cohort?

The cohort is designed for people in a sales role - whether they be consultants, fractional executives, founders, sales people, or solopreneurs. If there’s no incentive for you to book meetings, the juice might not be worth the squeeze here. 

You don’t necessarily need a marketing background to make this work for you. The lessons are designed to take you from 101 to expert as fast as possible.

Can we talk with someone before signing up for the cohort?


When you sign up for the waitlist, you’ll get an email with 2 different options for our Q+A meetings in August. During that time, you can ask any questions you might have. 

What is the schedule and time commitment for the cohort?

The cohort will officially start the first week of September, with our kickoff meeting the week before. 

Each week, new lessons are released on Monday morning. Each video lesson is 15 - 30 minutes long. You’ll complete exercises and challenges to put theory into practice. All in, expect to invest a little less than 1 hour per day to start. As things progress and you start hitting pace, your time commitment will decrease. 

There will be weekly live sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am PT / 12pm ET. All sessions will be recorded, so you can watch at your own pace. 

We’ll also host co-writing sessions on Thursday’s at 9am PT / 12pm ET

VIPs will have additional calls, including small group mastermind sessions and 1:1 calls. We’ll send out forms to VIPs to pic our small group mastermind call times.

How much does the cohort cost?

There are 3 tiers depending on the level of support you want: 

Core: $2,000
VIP: $4,000
Done-For-You: $5,000 / month

All participants will get: 
+ Lifetime access to all of the material - even updates
+ Access to the community and engagement groups
+ Weekly co-working sessions
+ Video library including guest speakers
+ Engagement groups to help boost your posts

VIPs get more direct access to Trent with small group mastermind sessions, 1:1 calls, profile reviews, outreach sequence reviews, and more.